Dear One & All,
If you are reading this, chances are: you found my missionary blog. I'm taking a page out of the Sam Fuller book of missioning and starting a blog that I can update once a week. I probably wont do it that guys might get once every other week or probably worse as time goes on. It's set up so it should post automatically on my Facebook Wall as well so I hope that it will help all of you keep up with what's happening with me and get you to send me letters! Speaking of which, my address at the training center is:
Elder Connor Andrew Spurling
MTC mailbox #116
JPN- SAP 0402
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604
I'll be there for 8 weeks, so I should be shipping out to Japan sometime on or around April 2 and I'll make sure everyone knows my new address then.
Well, I want to put more but I don't have any time left so check this again in the next few weeks and I'll share some thoughts about it all. I'm so excited to see what happens next!!
Elder Spurling